2015-2020: 华中科技大学,理论物理学,理学博士
2010-2015: 江汉大学,物理学,理学学士
1.国家自然科学基金委,重点项目,基于多模态数据的健康临界状态的数学刻画与预警理论,2022.1-2026.12, 252万,在研,参与
3.国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,细胞内蛋白质折叠物理机制的理论研究,2019.1-2022.12, 64万,在研,参与
1. Tao P.#, Hao X.H.#, Cheng J, Chen L.N., Predicting Time Series by Data-Driven Spatiotemporal Information Transformation, Information Sciences, 2022, In press
2. Tao P., Cheng J., Chen L.N., Brain-inspired chaotic backpropagation for MLP. Neural Networks, 2022, 155:1-13
3. Tao P., Xiao Y., Role of cotranslational folding for β-sheet-enriched proteins: A perspective from molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Review E, 2022, 105(2):024402
4. You Y. J., Zhang, L., Tao, P., Liu, S.R., Chen, L.N., Spatiotemporal Transformer Neural Network for Time-Series Forecasting. Entropy, 2022, 24(11): 1651
5. Cao K.Y., Pan Y., Yan T.M., Tao P., Xiao Y., Jiang Z.H., Antitumor Activities of tRNA-Derived Fragments and tRNA Halves from Non-pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains on Colorectal Cancer and Their Structure-Activity Relationship. mSystems, 2022, 7(2): e00164-22
6. Tao P., Xiao Y., Using GBSA to fold proteins yields more effective sampling while qualitatively preserving the folding landscape. Physical Review E, 2020, 101(6): 062417
7. Tao P., Wang E.C., Xiao Y., Pathway regulation mechanism revealed by cotranslational folding of villin headpiece subdomain HP35. Physical Review E, 2020, 101(5): 052403
8. Duan Q.Q.#, Tao P.#, Wang J., Xiao Y., Molecualr dynamics study of the ways of RNA base-pair formation. Physical Review E, 2020, 102(3): 32403
9. Wang E.C.#, Tao P.#, Wang J., Xiao Y., A novel folding pathway of the villin headpiece subdomain HP35. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21(33): 18219-18226