
2024年12月03日 13:55    点击:[]

职称: 助理研究员

(1) 2008.09 - 2015.01, 中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心 (上海生命科学研究院),博士
(2) 2004.09 - 2008.07, 山东大学药学院, 学士
(3) 2007.09 - 2008.01, 香港大学理学院,  交换生

(1) 2015.05 - 2023.09, 康安集团 (
(2) 2019.01 - 2019.06, 南京大学人工智能生物医药技术研究院,总经理
(3) 2023.10 至今,      国科大杭州高等研究院生命与健康科学学院,   产学研转化负责人

本实验室通过分子生物学,细胞生物学,生物信息学、结构生物学和人工智能计算生物学方法来进行mRNA疫苗的序列设计,并通过高通量自动化实验平台大规模产出生物学数据用于改进疫苗设计和优化算法,具体说来,通过构建免疫、肿瘤、病毒等通用型筛选基因库,比如主要组织相容性复合体(Major Histocompatibility Complex,MHC;人MHC命名为Human Leukocyte Antigen,HLA)基因库、病毒表面抗原基因库、抗体库、T细胞受体(T Cell Receptor, TCR)库,结合亲和层析、单细胞分选和测序、四聚体Tetramer,受体配体互相作用(Engineered Receptor-Ligand Interaction, ENTER) 系统、免疫沉淀质谱联用IP-MASS技术和T细胞抗原表位筛选系统(T Cell Epitope Scan, EpiScan, T-Scan) 等实验手段,来研究MHC抗原递承,抗原特异性T/B细胞标记筛选,期待得到更有效的针对于肿瘤和病毒的有效疫苗。更通俗易懂来讲,就是要解决“什么样的MHC递承什么样的抗原肽”以及“MHC抗原多肽复合物被什么样的TCR识别”的问题,这样就可以设计出来更加有效的疫苗和抗体类的产品。
Area (1.1) : We focus on the research and development of mRNA vaccine and its application to cancer and virus treatment and prevention. T Cell Receptor based T cell therapy is also one of our interests.
Vaccine design is an interdisciplinary research field. With synergy of molecular biology, cell biology, bioinformatics, structure biology, and also artificial intelligence based computational biology, mRNA vaccine sequence optimization could be more accurate. High throughput biological data could be produced with the automation platform to train the parameters of neural network for optimization. To be more specific, the MHC gene library , virus surface gene library, antibody library, T cell receptor library could be synthesized massively. Immunoprecipitation, FACS based cell sorting, single cell sequencing analysis, tetramer, Engineered Receptor-Ligand Interaction (ENTER), IP-MASS, T Cell Epitope Scan (EpiScan or T-Scan) could be used for MHC epitope presentation, MHC-antigen peptide complex specific T cell. Antigen specific B cell could also be labelled and selected. With the more accurate understanding of antigen presentation, we could get more efficient vaccine.  To make a summary of the statements above, we try our best to solve two basic immunologic questions, that is , "What kind of antigen epitopes could be presented by certain MHC subtype", "What kind of MHC-antigen peptide complex could be recognized by which T cell receptor". The solutions to these two questions could lead to better design of vaccines.

Area(1.2) Preclinical research and clinical trials
Collaboration with Chinese Pharmaceutical University will help us assess safety and efficiency of vaccines with the primate animal model in the GLP standard. So the results could be used for the assessment and registration of clinical trials by the medicine authority. Collaboration with Liangzhu Biological Incubator,Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study will  facilitate mRNA vaccine, TCR-T therapy production with the industrial GMP standard. Collaboration with  Hangzhou Institute of Medicine Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.1 Hospital of Jilin University, will help us to carry out the GCP level clinical trials. With all the collaborations mentioned above, we try to transform the patents of the lab into the approvals of clinical trials and final new drug licenses.

我们会挖掘全球的医药专利库,对各种行业的医药的专利进行深度分析,专利地图分析,引用分析,真实性分析等等,以在尽早期发掘出有价值的专利,并通过试验的重复对专利价值进行评估,或者给投资机构,产业基金做第三方试验评估,从而尽早挖掘出有价值的专利并对于专利进行孵化,商务BD,产生license out的deal,促使医药高质量专利加速转化。
Area(2.1):Patents mining, the area of 0 to 1 (0->1 area)
We try to dig out those valuable patents out of the ocean  junk patents as early as possible. Multiple analysis methods could be done, such as patent maps, citation analysis, reality verification,etc. The verification experiments could be proceeded to generate repeatability and trustworthy reports,  so that venture capitals and private equity funds could use them as investment decision reference. If certain patents do interest us, we could also incubate them to become investible entities and help them to be licensed out for the economic return.  
Area(2.2) Medical and pharmaceutical marketing and sales (area about 1 to infinity,1->∞)
To make the "Made in China" medical and pharmaceutical products avalible and affordable to the whole world, we try to solve the two major issues including registration and key social network to do the promotion.Life is priceless while medicine, medical devices, medical services , insurance and treatment do have a price. Since the healthcare industry is strictly regulated, the availability and prices of medicine, medical devices, medical services , insurance and treatment are hugely different. Even the information gap could influence treatment decisions. As a leading country in the manufacturing industry, China had already made a lot of the medical and pharmaceutical products avaible and affordable to the whole nation. How can we empower those countries of the "Belt and Road Initiative" with such kind of supply chain is a meaningful and significant question. Since the healthcare industry is strictly regulated, how to get the medical and pharmaceutical products registered and purchased is a complex question. Beneath each question lays complex questions with goverment policy, social network, budget payment, logistics and all other realistic questions. The solutions to the questions above could help the Chinese  medical and pharmaceutical products export.

(1) 企业横向:汤臣倍健,数鸣科技-GLP1类药物的药代动力学研究(主持)
(2) 企业横向:松鹿制药,胡庆余堂-牛黄产生的微生物的宏基因组研究(参与)
(3) 企业横向:云客科技,Pubmed用于精准邮件推送(主持)
(4) 企业横向:尚济生物,DNA自动化拼接仪,DNA高通量合成设备(主持)

(1) 创新创业工作坊(参与)
(2) 知识产权产业化  (参与)

(1) Hu, Yu, et al. “Tripartite-Motif Protein 30 Negatively Regulates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species Production.” The Journal of Immunology, vol. 185, no. 12, 3 Nov. 2010, pp. 7699–7705,
https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1001099. Accessed 20 Oct. 2022.
(2) Wang, Yan, et al. “Cellular Localization of NLRP3 Inflammasome.” Protein & Cell, vol. 4, no. 6, 23 Apr. 2013, pp. 425–431,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13238-013-2113-2. Accessed 8 May 2020
(3) Chen Yang , et al. “Interferon Alpha (IFNα)-Induced TRIM22 Interrupts HCV Replication by Ubiquitinating NS5A.” Cellular & Molecular Immunology, vol. 13, no. 1, 16 Feb. 2015, pp. 94–102,
https://doi.org/10.1038/cmi.2014.131. Accessed 7 Dec. 2022.
(4) 一种用于展示天然构像的HLA多肽的慢病毒或细胞、及其制备方法和应用



