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量子宇宙物理前沿讲座第7讲:Recent progress in double beta decay theory

发布者:数理学院  时间:2021-05-07 13:02:53  浏览:

讲座题目Recent progress in double beta decay theory


讲座时间2021年5月8日 14:30-16:00


报告摘要:Neutrinoless double beta decay will answer the question of whether neutrinos are Majorana Fermion and provide the absolute mass scale of neutrino. In this talk, I will briefly introduce recent development in the area, the introduction of EFT for the description of double beta decay and the ab initio methods for the nuclear many body calculations. My talk will focus on the calculations of Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) with traditional many-body approaches and the possible origins of the deviations among different methods. Recent calculations show the signs of convergence of the calculations.  With the development of computational capacity, we are likely to get promising results in the near future.  


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