

发布者:环境学院  时间:2022-04-22  浏览:






2016.9-2019.12 南京大学 环境学院 环境科学 博士 导师:鲜啟鸣 教授

2013.9-2016.7 郑州大学 化学系 分析化学 硕士 导师:石杰 教授、王瑞勇 教授

2009.9-2013.7 郑州大学 化学系 化学 学士


2020.1-2022.3 国科大杭州高等研究院 环境学院 博士后 合作导师:王亚韡 研究员


Environment International 审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,22106032,典型印染废水氯化脱色过程中高毒性转化产物的识别及生成机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持,在研

2. 中国博士后面上二等资助项目,2020M680703,饮用水中新型亚硝胺类消毒副产物的识别及生成机制研究,2020.12-2022.2,主持,结题


  1. 2021年 国科大杭州高等研究院 优秀博士后

  2. 2018年 南京大学新华报业奖学金


  1. Zhigang Li, Gaofei Song, Yonghong Bi*, Wei Gao, Anen He, Yao Lu, Yawei Wang*, Guibin Jiang, Occurrence and distribution of disinfection byproducts in domestic wastewater effluent, tap water, and surface water during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 4103–4114.

  2. Zhigang Li, Xinyao Liu, Zhijun Huang, Shaoyang Hu, Junjie Wang, Zongyao Qian, Jianfang Feng, Qiming Xian*, and Tingting Gong**, Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of disinfection byproducts from chlorination of wastewater effluents in East China, Water Research, 2019, 157, 247–257.

  3. Zhigang Li, Junjie Wang, Xiao Chen, Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong, and Qiming Xian*, A novel molecularly imprinted polymer-solid phase extraction method coupled with high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of nitrosamines in water and beverage samples, Food Chemistry, 2019, 292, 267–274.

  4. Zhigang Li, Zongyao Qian, Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*, Molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of N-Nitrosodiphenylamine in water samples, Chemosphere, 2018, 212, 872–880.

  5. Zhigang Li, Zechun Wang, Ning Wang, Xinxin Han, Wenquan Yu*, Ruiyong Wang*, Junbiao Chang*, Identification of the binding between three fluoronucleoside analogues and fat mass and obesity-associated protein by isothermal titration calorimetry and spectroscopic techniques, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 149, 290–295.

  6. Zhigang Li, Jinqian Wang, Ting Ren, Lijiao Zhang, Jie Shi, Chuanjun Song*, Ruiyong Wang*, Junbiao Chang*, Influence of the methyl position on the binding of 5-epi-taiwaniaquinone G to HSA investigated by spectrofluorimetry and molecular modeling, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2016, 25, 1009–1019.

  7. Wu He[+], Zhigang Li[+], Lingling Yang, Qingwei Jiang, Ting Ren, Lijiao Zhang, Zhenhua Shen, Qinghua Yang, Ruiyong Wang*, Junbiao Chang*, Influence of the Ring Size on the Binding Ability of  FTO Investigated by Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Journal of Luminescence, 2015, 25, 1655–1661. (Co-first author)

  8. 李志刚,鲜啟鸣*,水中亚硝胺类消毒副产物的污染现状、形成与控制,环境监控与预警201761–7.

  9. Junjie Wang, Zhigang Li, Shaoyang Hu, Jian Ma, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*,Formation and influence factors of halonitromethanes in chlorination of nitro-aromatic compoundsChemosphere, 2021, 278, 130497.

  10. Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong*, Hete Zhu, Junjie Wang, Zhigang Li, Haoran Chen, Zhijun Huang, Meiqi Meng, Qiming Xian*, Formation and Decomposition of New Iodinated Halobenzoquinones during Chloramination in Drinking Water, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 5237–5248.

  11. Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong*, Qiming Xian, Junjie Wang , Jian Ma, Zhigang Li, Jinbao Yin, Beibei Zhang, Bin Xu, Formation of iodinated trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids from aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts during chloramination, Water Research, 2018, 147, 254–263.

  12. Zongyao Qian, Jian Ma, Chunlei Sun, Zhigang Li, Qiming Xian*,Tingting Gong*, Bin Xu, Using stable isotope labeling to study the nitrogen metabolism in Anabaena flos-aquae growth and anatoxin biosynthesis, Water Research, 2017, 127, 223–229.

  13. Zongyao Qian, Zhigang Li, Jian Ma, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*, Analysis of trace microcystins in vegetables using matrix solid-phase dispersion followed by high performance liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry detection, Talanta, 2017, 173, 101–106.


  1. 一种核桃壳活性炭固相萃取柱的制备方法及应用。李志刚;王丙涛;鲜啟鸣;王亚韡。专利号:NO.2021110684982.0(已受理)

  2. 一种分子印迹聚合物固相萃取亚硝胺材料的制备方法。鲜啟鸣;李志刚;朱成章;钱宗耀;孙春蕾。专利号:ZL201711214405.5(已授权)

  3. 基于沸石咪唑酯骨架结构材料复合六方氮化硼预测沉积物中硝基多环芳烃生物有效性的方法。何欢;孔继婕;李志刚;黄文;周绍达;鲜啟鸣;孙成。专利号:CN202111147022.7(已受理)

  4. 一种二氧化钛量子点/碳球复合材料及其制备方法。鲜啟鸣;朱成章;钱宗耀;李志刚;胡绍洋;龚婷婷。专利号:CN201711155576.5(已受理)


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