

发布者:环境学院  时间:2023-10-09  浏览:







2017.9-2021.12  福州大学 分析化学 理学博士(导师:林振宇 研究员)

2014.9-2017.6  福州大学 分析化学 理学硕士(导师:林振宇 研究员)

2010.9-2014.6  重庆科技学院 应用化学 理学学士


2021.3- 国科大杭州高等研究院, 博士后 合作导师: 江桂斌 院士 刘倩 研究员

2018.3-2021.3 中科院生态环境研究中心联合培养


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(“基于双模质谱成像的黑碳颗粒分析方法及其生物应用”): 项目批准号22106027, 2022.1-2024.12, 在研


  1. 2017 福州大学优秀毕业生/研究生国家奖学金


  1. Lin, Yue; Huang, Xiu; Liu, Yongchun;Cao, Dong; Lu, Dawe; Feng, Zeming; Liu, Qian*; Lin, Zhenyu*; Jiang, Guibin;Identification, Quantification, and Imaging of the Biodistribution of Soot Particles by Mass Spectral Fingerprinting,Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93 (17):6665-6672.

  2. Yue Lin; Jinpeng Jia; Rui Yang; Daozhen Chen*; Jian Wang; Fang Luo;Longhua Guo; Bin Qiu; Zhenyu Lin*; Ratiometric Immunosensor for GP73 DetectionBased on the Ratios of Electrochemiluminescence and Electrochemical Signal Using DNA Tetrahedral Nanostructure as the Carrier of Stable Reference Signal, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(5): 3717-3724.

  3. Yue Lin; Xiu Huang; Qian Liu*; Zhenyu Lin*; Guibin Jiang; Thermal fragmentation enhanced identification and quantification of polystyrene micro/nanoplastics in complex media, Talanta, 2020, 208.

  4. Yue Lin; Jian Wang*; Fang Luo; Longhua Guo; Bin Qiu; Zhenyu Lin*; Highlyreproducible ratiometric aptasensor based on the ratio of amplified electrochemiluminescence signal and stable internal reference electrochemical signal, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 283: 798-805.

  5. Yue Lin; Xiaocui Huang; Ying Zhang; Daozhen Chen*; Jian Wang; Fang Luo;Longhua Gu; Bin Qiu; Zhenyu Lin*; Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for theDetection of the Folate Receptor in HeLa Cells Based on Hyperbranched Rolling Circle Amplification and Terminal Protection, ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6(3):827-833.

  6. Yue Lin; Linlin Yang; Guiyin Yu; Lifen Chen; Bin Qiu; Longhua Guo; Zhenyu Lin*; Guonan Chen; Label-free electrochemiluminescence biosensor for ultrasensitive detection of telomerase activity in HeLa cells based on extension reaction and intercalation of Ru(phen) 3 2+, Analytical &Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408(25): 7105-7111.

  7. Yue Lin; Mengmeng Zhao; Yajuan Guo;Bin Qiu; Longhua Guo; Zhenyu Lin*; Guonan Chen;Multicolor colormetric biosensor for the determination of glucose based on the etching of gold nanorods. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 37879.

  8. 林悦;刘倩;林振宇;江桂斌;有机纳米材料的应用及分析方法研究进展[J];分析测试学报;201810.

  9. 专利名:通过高温处理提高MALDI-TOF-MSPSMNPs检测灵敏度的方法。专利申请号:201910207692.X (已授权)

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