蒲津越 博士
电子邮箱: pujy@ucas.ac.cn
2002.09-2006.07 理学学士 中南大学 化学化工学院
2007.09-2012.07 理学博士 中国科学院有机化学研究所
导师: 唐功利 研究员
2012.07-2014.11 助理研究员 中国科学院有机化学研究所
2014.12-2021.08 博士后研究 美国芝加哥大学 化学系
合作导师: Bryan C Dickinson教授
2021.09-至今 副研究员 国科大杭州高等研究院 化学与材料科学学院
合成生物学; 蛋白质进化;生物传感器开发
12. Xie., V.C,*. Pu., J.*#;, Metzger, B. PH*, Thornton, J.W.#, Dickinson, B.C.# Contingency and chance erase necessity in the experimental evolution of ancestral proteins. eLife, just accepted. (* Co-first author; # Co-corresponding author)
11.Pu., J.; Disare, M.; Dickinson, B.C. “Evolution of C-terminal modification tolerance in full-length and split T7 RNAP.” ChemBioChem, 20(12), 1574-1553 (2019). • Cover story and featured as VIP (very important paper)
10. Zhang, Y., Wen W.-H., Pu, J.-Y., Tang, M.-C., Zhang, L., Peng, C., Xu, Y., & Tang, G.-L. Extracellularly oxidative activation and inactivation of matured prodrug for cryptic self-resistance in naphthyridinomycin biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (44), 11232-11237.
9. Pu, J., Kentala, K., & Dickinson, B. C. (2017). Multidimensional Control of Cas9 by Evolved RNA Polymerase-Based Biosensors. ACS Chemical Biology, 13(2), 431-437 (2018).
8. Pu, J., Dewey, J. A., Hadji, A., LaBelle, J. L., & Dickinson, B. C. (2017). RNA Polymerase Tags To Monitor Multidimensional Protein–Protein Interactions Reveal Pharmacological Engagement of Bcl-2 Proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(34), 11964–11972.
7. *Song, L.-Q., *Zhang, Y.-Y., *Pu, J.-Y., Tang, M.-C., Peng, C., & Tang, G.-L. (2017). Catalysis of Extracellular Deamination by a FAD-Linked Oxidoreductase after Prodrug Maturation in the Biosynthesis of Saframycin A. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(31), 9116–9120. (*Co-first author)
6. Pu, J., Zinkus-Boltz, J., & Dickinson, B. C. (2017). Evolution of a split RNA polymerase as a versatile biosensor platform. Nature Chemical Biology, 13(4), 432–438. • Highlighted in “Evolved RNAP ‘Plug-and-Play’ Biosensors.” Cell Chem. Biol. 24, 428 (2017).
5. Pu, J., Chronis, I., Ahn, D., & Dickinson, B. C. (2015). A Panel of Protease-Responsive RNA Polymerases Respond to Biochemical Signals by Production of Defined RNA Outputs in Live Cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(51), 15996–15999. • JACS “Spotlight.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 1 (2016)
4. Pu, J.-Y., Peng, C., Tang, M.-C., Zhang, Y., Guo, J.-P., Song, L.-Q., Tang, G.-L. (2013). Naphthyridinomycin biosynthesis revealing the use of leader peptide to guide nonribosomal peptide assembly. Organic Letters, 15(14), 3674–3677.
3. Wang, J.-B., Zhang, F., Pu, J.-Y., Zhao, J., Zhao, Q.-F., & Tang, G.-L. (2014). Characterization of AvaR1, an autoregulator receptor that negatively controls avermectins production in a high avermectin-producing strain. Biotechnology Letters, 36(4), 813–819.
2. *Peng, C., *Pu, J.-Y., *Song, L.-Q., *Jian, X.-H., Tang, M.-C., & Tang, G.-L. (2012). Hijacking a hydroxyethyl unit from a central metabolic ketose into a nonribosomal peptide assembly line. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(22), 8540– 8545. (*Co-first author)
1. Peng, C., Tang, Y.-M., Li, L., Ding, W., Deng, W., Pu, J.-Y., Tang, G.-L. (2012). In vivo investigation of the role of SfmO2 in saframycin A biosynthesis by structural characterization of the analogue saframycin O. Science China Chemistry, 55(1), 90–97.