Anna Tokareva
2016-7至2017-4 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院 瑞士 博士后
2017-5至2020-9 俄罗斯科学院核研究所 俄罗斯 博士后
2020-9至2022-3 芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学 芬兰 博士后
2022-3至2023-6 英国伦敦帝国理工 英国 博士后
Anna Tokareva
Research interests: early Universe cosmology, quantum gravity, effective field theories
Education: PhD in Physics (2016), INR RAS, Moscow, Russia
Specialist degree in astronomy (2013), Moscow State University, Russia
After PhD in Moscow I worked as a Postdoc at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland) in a group of Prof. Mikhail Shaposhnikov. After that I was a researcher in a group led by Valery Rubakov at INR RAS in Moscow (Russia). In 2020 I moved to Finland for a PostDoc position at the University of Jyvaskyla. In 2022 I went to Imperial College London (UK) to work as a postdoctoral research associate. In 2023 I joined HIAS-UCAS/ICTP-AP in Hangzhou, China as a senior faculty scientist. My research expertise lies in the intersection of the early Universe cosmology, quantum gravity and formal aspects of quantum field theory. I am mostly interested in obtaining theoretical and observational constraints on models of inflation.